Having the 'Talk'
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How to have the ‘Talk’ with friends & family
Whether it’s the talk about why you’re ditching toxins, or why you’re vegan…I’ve had plenty of opportunities to chat about both topics. Sometimes the conversations were hard because I felt I had to defend myself and my choices. Most people aren’t able to accept when others feel or think differently than them, so unfortunately many of the conversations I’ve had were more someone trying to persuade me against what I was doing rather than someone wanting to better understand my point of view. Shocker? I quickly realized we are making these choices as a family FOR our family, so other opinions didn’t, and won’t, matter. When you truly understand your ‘why’ behind a decision you’re making, it’s nearly impossible to not follow through.
In my ‘about me’ I talked about why my husband and I went vegan 7 years ago (wow time flies when you’re eating tofu!). I’m more motivated now as a mother to continue on this journey. I want to provide the healthiest food I can to my growing child, whose body and taste buds are starting from ‘scratch’. Parents have the responsibility to not just feed, but nourish their child/children. We as parents may not have had a ‘healthy food upbringing’, but we now have the chance to make important changes for our family (and ourselves). My son is 100% vegan from birth, and he is healthy as can be. We are blessed but I also say this because there is more than enough research showing you can thrive on a plant-based diet.
We as parents also have more knowledge than our parents did on what chemicals or ingredients are used in our everyday products. So that means we have a responsibility to provide safer products to our children to promote their overall health and wellbeing. I know reading ingredient labels on everything you put in your cart seems daunting…but if what you’re putting in your cart has research showing it is linked to causing cancer, isn’t it worth the read?
If you choose to reduce toxins in your life, or go vegan (or both if you’re feeling totally wild), please discover your ‘why’ before you make any moves. It’s easier to stick to your path when you know why you started walking on it in the first place. Then start your research. I created this site to help shed some light on easy toxin-swaps in your home and will fill this site with easy vegan recipes and products when my life allows (toddlers are a lot of work, ok??). Research is your best friend when switching out toxic products in your fridge and your home for cleaner and safer alternatives. Not only will you learn what to avoid or lookout for, but you’ll be able to use research you’ve found in any of those future difficult ‘conversations’ you might have.
I’m motivated by knowing I have a bigger impact on my future or my family’s future than I was ever told I did. I can choose to eat good foods and find safe products and increase my chances of avoiding common diseases people are told they will get no matter what they do. I refuse to funnel money to companies that do not care about our health and wellbeing when they use chemicals that are known carcinogens in our food, clothing, cleaning supplies, makeup…the list goes on and on. I could go on and on too but this is a blog post and not my usual ‘fired up’ conversation about this stuff with my husband (he has heard my soapbox speech thousands of times at this rate). See what I said about finding your ‘why’? I will never look back on these two huge decisions I made for myself and my family because I refuse to let someone else be in charge of my family’s health and wellbeing. If you need help finding your ‘why’ and want to jump into the world of low-tox living or be a veggie-person like us…I’m here for you always..
Love & Tofu,