
These are the values that guide this blog and our brand:

Parents gonna parent. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to parenting and no ‘parenting how-to’ book that works for every family. We found that out pretty quickly once our baby was Earth-side. This space is where I share my journey into parenthood through the lens of a vegan and non-toxic lifestyle.

I’m my child’s best advocate. I know my child best, and there are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. I believe in trusting myself and my gut when it comes to making decisions for my child.

Control what you can control. Life is full of uncertainty so I control what I can control in my life and try not to stress about the rest. As a mom, I’ve learned what really matters to me in my life and it’s not being mad at someone who cut me off in traffic or the number of emails I have to send at work. Judge not. The world is full of judgment and this blog will not be another place for it. We lead with love and listen to understand in our family (or try our best to, when it comes to listening). So please feel free to ask questions. This blog only exists to help others and share knowledge that has helped me and my family.

Less is more. We are minimalists by nature in our home. So if I don’t like excess in my life, I won’t put excess in yours. If I only suggest two products that worked for my baby, that’s because I didn’t feel the need to share 10 more with you. Why put more decisions on our plates than we already have?